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巴西:思想之家 特色竹屋 竹编 竹建筑

作者:admin 发布时间:2020-02-03 浏览次数:4,185次

我们居住思想之家 特色竹屋的第一个领域是我们的身体,这是一座神圣的圣殿,新语言、诱人的创造舞蹈和我们周围所有周期的发现等互动形式都从这里诞生。我们将能量投射到环面的几何形状中。围绕着我们、保护着我们并包容着我们的领域,旨在继续分享和学习无形的东西。

The first domain in which we inhabit the characteristic bamboo house of the House of Thought is our bodies, a sacred sanctuary from which interactive forms such as new languages, seductive creative dances and the discovery of all cycles around us are born. We project energy into the torus geometry. The fields that surround us, protect us and contain us are designed to continue to share and learn from the intangible.


This characteristic bamboo architecture projects energy into the torus geometry. The realm that surrounds us protects us and embraces us, designed to continue to share and learn from the intangible. Bamboo house has better air permeability. When living, people will feel the natural breath and will not feel wet because of long-term cloudy and rainy days. This is the air permeability, and it will be more dry and comfortable in sunny days.


Between the power of our ancestors and the misguided notion of evolution, we are paralysed by our inability to name ourselves. We traveled around the earth. We explored ourselves. We can create our manifesto in a way that respects their origins and the importance of making our roots visible. Such mixed conditions make it possible to produce new languages. It’s an invitation to write and walk on the coherence that we’ve seen and the new expressions that we’ve gained to sustain that conversation and continue to create knowledge.


We will create Spaces to continue to understand how we live in this territory, how we understand it bit by bit when we wake up, connect and continue to surprise ourselves with what is beyond doubt. Surrounded by the talent of this rich country and knowledge of a variety of skills and races, we invite you to enter a new learning scene to construct the home of ideas. Let this be another arena to connect and strengthen our vision.

现场施工图/Site construction drawing

境道原竹 13年竹结构企业,专业为: 竹结构、竹建筑、竹装饰、 竹景观等竹艺工程提供,竹结构相关咨询、竹结构设计深化、原竹材料生产、项目营造管理。致力为客户提供卓越的一站式体验.电话400-8866075 021-58665611。咨询请登录:https://www.bamboo2008.com/



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