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印尼:宗教鸡巢剧场 竹建筑

作者:admin 发布时间:2020-05-08 浏览次数:3,617次

建筑师:Architecture Sans Frontieres Indonesia

地址:Jengger village, Malang, 印度尼西亚


主创建筑师:Andrea Fitrianto, Robbani Amal Romis, ASF-Malang

建筑面积:230.0 m2



东爪哇基督教会邀请印度尼西亚无国界建筑师设计一个新设施-宗教鸡巢剧场 竹建筑,用可持续材料展示了当地特点。Jengger 村(或 Bahasa 的鸡巢)位于海拔约700米处。

The Christian Church in East Java invited Indonesian architects without borders to design a new facility to demonstrate local characteristics with sustainable materials. The village of jenger (or the chicken nest in Bahasa) is located at an altitude of about 700 meters.

engger 村是许多小规模农场主的家园。他们在国家森林的外围种植咖啡。这个村子被巨大的竹子(Dendrocalamus asper sp.)包围,但这些竹子却没有得到充分利用。鉴于它们的大小和强度,这些原生竹子毫无疑问最适合这个项目:舞台需要宽敞的空间和屋顶跨度。

Engger village is home to many small-scale farmers. They grow coffee on the outskirts of the national forest. The village is surrounded by huge bamboos (Dendrocalamus asper sp.), but they are underutilized. Given their size and strength, these native bamboos are undoubtedly the most suitable for the project: the stage requires spacious space and roof span.


Since the end of 2016, the village has organized workshops for volunteers and architectural students. They discussed topics including the protection of bamboo and modern joinery using steel bolts and mortar injection.


Villagers from Christian and Muslim communities worked together to build the bamboo amphitheater. In recognition of their virtues, the church donated new facilities to the public on Inauguration Day on January 22, which was a surprise for people.

现在,鸡巢圆形剧场可用于举办宗教,文化和社交活动。包括为当地的 Kuda 编排舞蹈。概括来讲,该项目的规划和实施表现出了东爪哇居民坚持的强有力的合作和宗教宽容。

Now, the chicken nest amphitheater can be used to hold religious, cultural and social events. Including choreography for the local Kuda. In summary, the planning and implementation of the project shows the strong cooperation and religious tolerance of the residents of East Java.


境道原竹 13年高端竹结构企业,专业为: 竹结构、竹建筑、竹装饰、竹景观等竹艺工程提供,竹结构相关咨询、竹结构设计深化、原竹材料生产、项目施工落地管理等一系列服务。致力为客户提供卓越的一站式体验.电话400-8866075 021-58665611。



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