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台湾:艺术馆 竹编 竹景观

作者:admin 发布时间:2020-04-08 浏览次数:4,246次


Type: Installation Art, Contemporary Art
Location:Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei
Material: Bamboo, Rattan, Steel
Dimension: Width 20m x Length 8.5m x Height 9m
Photographer: Sheng Da TSAI

来自台湾的艺术家范承宗,是个身体裡住著老灵魂的年轻人,他著迷于挖掘隐藏在传统器物中,以时间凝结而成的智慧。不捨这些无形资产将随物件一同逝去,致力以设计继承,从传统,学创造。范承宗受台湾具有重要影响力的美术馆「台北当代艺术馆」邀请,他于现场以竹结构和藤手工製作了一件巨大的半透明空间装置,这件作品的灵感是来自台湾传统的古老文化 – 鱼筌。

Cheng Tsung FENG is a Taiwanese young artist. With an old soul in his body, he is fascinated by exploring the wisdom condensed out of time hidden in traditional utensils. He is reluctant to let go of these intangible assets along with traditional utensils. Thus, he inherits them by design and learns to create utensils from their tradition. Cheng Tsung FENG was invited by the Taipei Museum of Contemporary Art, an influential museum in Taiwan, making a giant translucent space installation by hand. This work was inspired by Taiwan’s traditional ancient culture-Fish Trap.

▼项目成为台北当代艺术馆的正门,the installation becomes the gateway for the Taipei Museum of Contemporary Art

▼从侧面看向装置,installation side view

▼从门廊回看装置,looking back at the installation from the portico

▼装置内部空间,the interior space of the installation


Among these different fish traps, we found that there are common production thinking and modeling methods. These intangible cultures hidden behind tangible objects are like living things that can grow in response to the environment. In this installation art, we relocated the fish trap from thousands of natural rivers to Taipei Museum of Contemporary Art, a 100-year-old man-made building. And replaced various kinds of fishes with the crowd of people. What will this traditional wisdom evolve after adapting to distinct environments and prey?

▼装置细部,details of the installation

境道原竹 13年高端竹结构企业,专业为: 竹结构、竹建筑竹装饰竹景观等竹艺工程提供,竹结构相关咨询、竹结构设计深化、原竹材料生产、项目竹编建筑管理等一系列服务。致力为客户提供卓越的一站式体验.电话400-8866075 021-58665611。



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