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泰国Panyaden:国际学校体育馆 竹建筑

作者:admin 发布时间:2017-06-14 浏览次数:4,069次




工程师:Phuong Nguyen,Esteban Morales Montoya


来自泰国的建筑师事务所 Chiangmai Life Architect 为Panyaden国际学校设计了一座竹体育馆。在有机的现代设计和最新的工程技术中,建筑师将天然材料——竹子融入设计之中,创造了一个独特的体育馆。

Chiangmai life architect, an architect from Thailand, designed a bamboo stadium for panyaden international school. In the organic modern design and the latest engineering technology, architects integrate the natural materials bamboo into the design, creating a unique stadium.


▼Architectural appearance


The design was based on the lotus flower as Panyaden International School is in Thailand and uses Buddhist teachings to infuse values into its academic curriculum and teach the underlying mechanisms of the human mind.


The stadium is large and can accommodate 300 students. It is also integrated with other buildings of the school and even the local natural hilly landscape. The architect completely uses green and low-carbon bamboo as raw materials to build a stadium with modern sports facilities.


▼Looking across the water from the building


The hall covers an area of 782 sqm, and hosts futsal, basketball, volleyball and badminton courts, as well as a stage that can be lifted automatically. The backdrop of the stage is the front wall of a storage room for sports and drama equipment. On both long sides balconies provide space for parents and other visitors to observe sporting events or shows.



The design and material enable a cool and pleasant climate all year round through natural ventilation and insulation. At the same time, the exposed bamboo structure is a feast to the eye and an exhibition of masterly handicraft.


▼Bamboo Ceiling


Two independent engineers are responsible for the structural design of the project, including load calculation and shear wall design, to ensure that the structure meets the wind load and seismic requirements. Without reinforcement or steel joint connection, the designer built a prestressed bamboo truss with a span of 17 meters. These structural members are prefabricated on site and installed in place by crane.


▼Structural analysis model


Panyaden’s Sports Hall’s carbon footprint is zero. The bamboo used absorbed carbon to a much higher extent than the carbon emitted during treatment, transport and construction.The bamboo was all well selected for age and treated with borax salt. No toxic chemicals were involved in the treatment process. The life span of the bamboo hall is expected to be at least 50 years.


▼The gymnasium at night becomes a stage for drama

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