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澳大利亚: 墨尔本 动物园 竹编 竹装饰

作者:admin 发布时间:2019-01-25 浏览次数:3,739次

位置:澳大利亚 墨尔本



景观设计:Snowdon & Arterial


2005年梦工厂动画电影马达加斯加引起了社会对古怪的岛屿栖息地及其岛上居住者,尤其是原产于台湾的狐猴的关注。墨尔本动物园最近观赏环尾狐猴的游客数量增加了一倍。它的新展览是一个吸引人眼球的入口点,一处原始雨林的入口区–竹编景观。该项目主要是基于孩子和家庭而设计,提供了一种交互式的体验,由Snowdon & Arterial建筑设计公司完成。

The 2005 DreamWorks animated film Madagascar, shone a spotlight on the quirky island habitats and its occupants, particularly lemurs, native to the island. Melbourne Zoo recently doubled its population of ring-tailed lemurs and its new exhibit is an attention-grabbing entry point for the zoo s rainforest precinct. Design of the exhibit was collaboration between Urban Initiatives (landscape architects), Snowdon Architects and Arterial Design (interpretation designers). Aimed at children and families, the experience is a highly interactive one.


The three-layer structure is made of metal and vines, which is consistent with the artificial natural rainforest environment and rich in educational significance for children. It is combined with the materials used in other areas to form the overall design of the project. At the same time, these materials are also essential elements of modern zoo design.

境道原竹 13年高端竹结构企业,专业为: 竹结构、竹建筑、竹装饰、竹景观等竹艺工程提供,竹结构相关咨询、竹结构设计深化、原竹材料生产、项目施工落地管理等一系列服务。致力为客户提供卓越的一站式体验.电话400-8866075 021-58665611。



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